Friday, March 11, 2011

Total Bien in Colombia. CHIMBAAA

Carnivale 2011!

These young girls made my trip! The first stop off the plane in Bogota was here, where we delivered some spanish books! We played games like rock paper scissors, down by the bay, braided eachothers hair all with little to no verbal actions.


They've got mad skills. Impressive

Hair time! I bet Michelle is happy I didn't post a picture of her hair.

Hostel Muscia in Bogota

Well deserved meal.
Barranquilla, Colombia

Pre-Celebrations for the Carnivale

Jen and Michelle
Dance party all day every day

Local Musicians in traditional Canivale attire

Hotel Skal pool side


By far my favorite picture from the trip. This front desk killed me every time. The little boy speaks english, so we reffered to him as "the 9 year old manager." Jose, was his name and he was always reading "The Diary of a Wimpy Kid" in english. So, my corny side came out and I called him a wimpy kid at every chance possible.

My german buddy

Shopping time at the market

Traditional Carnivale Dress

Lunch is served
Take me back, now please

The music never stops

I hate you.

Coolest jeep in town

That's the owner of the blue jeep, with the wig on

Jimmy's friend!

He kinda scared me, for real

BEAUTIFUL Hostel in Taganga

Take me back now please

On our way to Parko Tayrona.

And the day long hike begins
Up and down a mountain of rocks, it was pretty intense!

Break #1

Pinch me please

Or Pacman?

The brid with bright green feet!

The Bro's!

Handmade Kite!

Where the water sparkles gold


Destination, at last


Good morning, Sunshine!

No electricity, no worries.

Coconut time!

Not as easy as it looks, those things are tough.

View of the property shoreline, almost complete


Eating table
My favorite meals were here.

He only gets power for one hour each night when the sun goes down.


Just a 20 minute hike away
So refreshing!!

They lived in the jungle we hiked through. Yeah.

Food! Water! Break!

Shore of Taganga.
This is the inlet Jimmy and I paddle boarded on.

He wanted his picture taken of his baby.

We ate lunch here, off the front main strip for a quarter of the price.
(this was when it was closed)


Back from their spear fishing trip.

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