Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Michael Pollan

So, I've been waiting to finish the book before I posted about it, but it's just too good! For my Food & Environment class, we are assigned to read Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan. It's actually our textbook for the course, and it's incredible. We have read a couple of chapters each week so far, and it's already changed everything I think and feel about the current Agricultural system. The way our culture eats and how it's vastly changed within our generation, causing massive epidemic of new diseases and environmental issues. Farming isn't something we talk about in everyday conversation-right? Yet it's what we depend on to live & breathe everyday.

I'm not going to give a description of the book nor my opinion yet, I'll wait until I'm done with class and inform you later. The book itself is an easy read, Pollan makes a stiff subject intriguing to learn about. If this caught your attention, read it! It will honestly change your life!

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