Friday, February 25, 2011

Bye Bye Becky

My roomate, Becky is leaving for NYC tomorrow. She's working for a Japanese clothing company called Uniqlo. We had a going away party for her last night and the set-up was fabulous. Her training is for 5 months in Japan. If anyone in the world could be quoted on a daily basis, it would be Becky Hall. I'm going to miss the vibrance she brings to a home!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ringling Museum

A True Gem

The Ringling Estate in Sarasota, Florida is a worth a visit no matter what time of year. The exhibits, the architecture, the funny workers, the history, the smell of the ocean just yards away--together create this picturesque atmosphere. Every time I visit this place it becomes more familiar and more quirky.

FSU recently bought the facility, take advantage! Seminoles, this is FREE! All you have to do is show you them your FSU card, and they give you a study pass--fo free!

If you are visiting the Sunshine Coast, the Museum is the perfect getaway for all ages, so bring the whole crew.


General Admissions:
Adult $25
Senior 65+ $20
Students 18+ w/ID $10
Child 6-17 $10
Children under 6, No Charge

10-5pm daily


View Larger Map


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Meet Princess Ivory

Guilty, Mid Sentence.


Just saw them live last night! Pure sound, jammin beats, great vibe.

Went backstage after the show with my friends, hung out with the band and had an unforgettable night [full of debauchery]. They played at Janus in St Petersburg, which is my favorite hometown venue. Amazing guys and very down to earth, they are from Hawaii so that probably explains it all. Iration has a lot going for them, and I'm definitely looking forward to their live performance again!

Check them out:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Orange you happy?

Color of the moment:

[My family has a weird obsession with colors.]

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Seed of Success

Here is a story I read this summer while I worked in West
Virginia, selling books door-to-door with a company called Southwestern. This job was incredible, and the company could not be a better example of how to stay motivated. The following story was one of the most
memorable messages I learned. Take it how you will, and it's not only for business owners, but for life as well! As for myself, i'll look at through this blog's perspective. I'm going to keep blogging until it's the #1 most fascinating, funny, smart, inspirational, informative, revolutionary and insightful blog out there!

The Seed of Success

Great! You got a bamboo seed!

You are thrilled so you prepare the ground, place the seed carefully, water it, and fertilize it for a whole year, but except for a minuscule sprout...nothing happens!

You know mother nature needs time so you keep watering it every day, and feed it for a second year, and then at your stupefaction, there is still nothing!

So you'll look at it meticulously to check if perhaps the bamboo tree is growing somewhere you missed to check? Despite your extensive search and hopes, you can't see anything bigger than what grew the first year! How can it be possible?

This is the third year now so you are ready to see something coming out of the ground. "Something has to come out!" so you water it, you fertilize it, remove the weeds away, end then...No way! Still nothing! Now you are frustrated! You planted your seed with genuine faith. You bought the best possible soil available. You watered it faithfully and gave it the best fertilizer. Your reward can't be just nothing!?

Despite the disappointment and frustration, you keep taking care of the tiny sprout; you water it, fertilize it and still...nothing!

You look around, noticing all the other plants in the garden grew beautifully! But from your precious bamboo seed? For four years you'll see nothing, except a tiny shoot sprouting from a bulb, no bigger than it was the first year. You complain, get angry and truly feel ready to give up. Maybe you don't have the green touch that is essential to become a great gardener.

During the fifth year, just when you're ready to quit once and for all...

Incredible growth! In the six weeks that follow, the bamboo tree grows up to three feet per day, until it grows to be ninety feet or twenty-seven meters high! During the long years when there are no tangible results, a long reaching root system was being developed to support its future massive growth...

And your business life is often like the Chinese bamboo tree

You are excited, you sign-up for a business and it looks promising. Your first year, you generate a few leads, but apart from that,...nothing happens! You know deep inside any business takes time to grow so you give it a few months, even two full years! But at your amazement, you are still not financially free as expected and you still have a job you hate.

So you'll stare at your bank account, at your mailbox, at your list of leads...where is the money? When is it going to be delivered?

Despite the growing feeling of frustration, you keep working. You study the best marketing strategies, you gain new knowledge every day with the best mentors in the industry but still, not much happens! You can't believe it! You wonder what is wrong with you! It looks like a bad joke, maybe you were right, you are not cut to be a millionaire. You recall a mentor saying it is not for everyone. So that's it, it is not for you, you start thinking. But you resist once again the temptation to quit.

You network and see so many people in other companies that do so good and earn so much money. They grow and prosper. Where is the residual income you have worked so hard for? Years of hard labor for nothing? A few leads and three or four sales? You have felt it all; excitement, hope, frustration, excitement again, hope, more frustration, desperation.

And when you are ready to quit, when you feel you are a fool to have believed in abundance and prosperity, when you scream inside: "Over, I can't take this pain anymore"...

Magic happens! Your business grows beyond your wildest dreams!

During the long years when there are no visible results, you grew your business by developing foundations, by gaining the knowledge necessary to support the explosive growth to come.

It takes time to learn marketing principles that work, and it takes time to practice and master these principles before you see tangible results. For those who let nothing discourage them, for those who are persistent, great rewards will follow!

There is a seed for success inside you!

Dan Eldon; Life in Africa

Sunday, February 13, 2011

In case you haven't heard, Dubstep is out. Low-fi is in.

Please don't take that title seriously, but take it serious enough.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Funky Finds

Vintage leather jacket from Top Shop. Found it at Beacons Closet in Brooklyn. ($25)

Wore this number out on New Years Eve in Miami. It's from Yesderdaze in Tampa, FL. ($60)

Red Boots have been on my radar for a couple of months now, and I found the perfect pair atBeacon's Closet. (a steal at $35) The studded boots were a Christmas Present from my mom, they are by Sam Edleman. ($250)

This retro top was a gift from my best friend Meghan. (I'm guessing $4)

Last but not least, the most adorable shorts known to man. Found them at a goodwill in Tallahasse, they were super long so I hemmed them. ($5)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Back to Basics

Love my black lace turtle neck, definitely has a feminine vibe to it.

This is faux suede BCBG jacket is my FAVORITE! It can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. ($250-70, depending if BcBg is having a sale or not)

Ohh these are my little babies, made by Dolce Vita. ($145)

Every closet needs some basics! They are the foundation for any outfit, there will always be something to wear!

Michael Pollan

So, I've been waiting to finish the book before I posted about it, but it's just too good! For my Food & Environment class, we are assigned to read Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan. It's actually our textbook for the course, and it's incredible. We have read a couple of chapters each week so far, and it's already changed everything I think and feel about the current Agricultural system. The way our culture eats and how it's vastly changed within our generation, causing massive epidemic of new diseases and environmental issues. Farming isn't something we talk about in everyday conversation-right? Yet it's what we depend on to live & breathe everyday.

I'm not going to give a description of the book nor my opinion yet, I'll wait until I'm done with class and inform you later. The book itself is an easy read, Pollan makes a stiff subject intriguing to learn about. If this caught your attention, read it! It will honestly change your life!